Dry needling is a therapeutic intervention that is similar to acupuncture. It is based on scientific research and uses western-based anatomy and physiology to select trigger points. IMS/Dry needling refers to the insertion of a fine filament needle into muscle.
Healthy muscle usually feels very little discomfort; however, if the muscle is sensitive and shortened or has active trigger points within it a sensation like a muscle cramp, "the twitch response," occurs. This sensation is the result of deactivating the trigger point, reducing pain and restoring normal length to the muscle.
Physiotherapists often use this treatment technique for chronic injuries including:
No, a doctor's referral is NOT required to see a physiotherapist for dry needling. However, certain insurance companies want a doctor's prescription in order to access your private benefits.
Dry needling treatments are often combined with physiotherapy treatment and therefore there is no additional cost.
IMS/Dry Needling draws on both the traditional practice of Acupuncture and recent advances in medical research. It uses some of the tools of Acupuncture but it differs fundamentally in that it is based on current western research in physiology, rather than Chinese Medicine.
Compared to Acupuncture which has been around for hundreds of years, IMS is a relatively recent breakthrough. The needles used are the same in both treatments but the application combines conventional western knowledge with traditional techniques to produce a fusion, of sorts.
During IMS treatments, an Acupuncture needle is being used alternatively to its traditional designation in treating meridians (or channels of energy flow in the body). IMS clinicians use their knowledge of anatomy and a western type medical exam to choose the appropriate needle points. IMS is applied directly to the site of the pain, rather than to remote points based on maps of energy flow and Chinese philosophy
The Canadian professor and pain specialist who developed IMS over 20 years, Dr. Chan Gunn says: "Knowledge of IMS can provide an excellent bridge between Eastern and Western medicine, and not only does it bridge the gap, it transcends the limitations of both".
If you are unsure that our services are appropriate for your problem. We are here to help. We offer a free phone or a in-person consultation with a registered physiotherapist to discuss your issue and provide honest advice about treatment options.
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